Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kielbasa Corn Chowder

This week's share contained: Head of Lettuce; 2 lbs Mixed Potatoes; 1.5 lb Mixed Tomatoes; 1 European Cucumber or 2 nice Slicing Cucumbers; 1 lb Mixed Zucchini, Patty Pan and Summer Squash; 1 lb Mixed Pac Choi; 1 lb Walla Walla Onions; 1 lb Romanesca or Mixed Cauliflower; 1 Cayenne or Jalapeno Pepper; Sweet Corn (6 ears); Elmore Mountain Country French; BreadVT Soy Maple Ginger Fried! Tofu; Les Aliments Massawippi Tamari

No picture this time! I'm finding I don't have the time lately.

But I did make a soup using some of the ingredients that was just wonderful. I don't remember ever cutting the corn off the cob and using it in soups and such -- it's such a treat that we always just ate it in corn on the cob format. But we've had it fairly often lately so I decided to try something a little different with this simple soup.

Kielbasa Corn Chowder

1/2 lb kielbasa cut into very small pieces
2 medium onions, diced
corn cut from 5-6 ears
3-4 medium potatoes, diced about 1/2" cubes
bok choi or other greens, cut into very small pieces
6 c or so of stock (I used turkey because that's what I had)

Brown kielbasa, add onions and remaining ingredients. Cook until potatoes are tender and flavors are blended.

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